Lunes, Oktubre 10, 2016

Lesson 18

Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

What is Educational Media Center?
}  An EMC is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school.
}  It is a basic requirement for a school to render quality service.
It serves a myriad of roles, among which are:
1. Center of resources- in it, different forms of communication and their accompanying            technology organized and housed for easy accessibility and use.
2. Laboratory for learning- it provides materials which will enrich and implement the curriculum. 
3. Agent of teaching- it teaches students how to find information.
4. Service agency- all procedures are established as the basis of service to students and teachers.
5. Coordinating agency- it serves as central depository for various forms of media.
6. Recreational reading center- it provides a variety of recreational materials to fulfill the current needs of the range of interest and abilities for the students.
7. A stepping stone to other resources of the community- it introduces the students to the resources available in other community resource centers.
What must an EMC have to be a functional EMC?
The evaluation questions for a functional EMC (Lucido&Borabo, 1997) give the following elements.
1. The institutional media service.
q  Is the administration committed to a media program?
q  Is the program of media services administered by a media specialist through media center? 
q  Is the center operating at the same level as other major institutional services of the school?
q   Are there clearly defined policies, procedures and plans for short, medium and long term coverage?
q  Is the center provided with appropriate facilities, finances(a regular budget) and staff(both technical and clerical)?
q   Is the center capable of giving media and/or educational media technology advises/assistance to the faculty?
2. Media and instruction.
q   Are the faculties encouraged to use media as an integral part of instruction?
q   Are classrooms equipped and/or adapted for the best possible use of educational media?
q    Is the media center accessible to all classroom and lecture/conference room?
q  Is there educational media technology information dissemination?
q  Is there a proper cooperation between faculty and the professional media staff in the planning, developing and using media for instructions?
q  In particular, are faculty members assisted by the media center staff in analyzing teaching needs and in designing, selecting and using educational media to meet these needs?
q  Is there an adequate storage, filling and retrieval/borrowing system for instructional hardware and software/materials?
q  Is the center capable of technical operations relating to technical assistance, equipment repair and cleaning, continuous upgrading facilities?
q  Is there a capability for production of graphics, audio visual and other media materials for instruction?
3. Classroom facilities.
q  Are classrooms designed for and provided with essential facilities for effective use of educational media?
q  Specifically, are classrooms equipped for full light control, electrical outlets, appropriate ventilation and media operation spaces.
q  Are classrooms equipped with a bulletin board, chalkboard, projection screen, map rails, etc. for instruction using media? 
4. Media program.
q  Are there clear-cut administration policies on the media program?
q  Is there an adequate source/system of funding?

q  Is there appropriate hiring of media center supervisions, creating and technical personnel, consultants and clerical staff? 

Lesson 17

Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning

From the conversation we gather that some students:
·         Memorize very much for the test.
·         Study only for passing score and a passing grade.

The questions we raise are: “is it really bad to memorize for the test?” and is it not good to study for a score and for a grade? The answer to both questions is a NO.
Authentic assessment is most appropriate for the constructive classroom. Authentic assessment measures collective abilities, written and oral expression skills, analytical skills, manipulative skills, (like computer skills ) integration, creativity, and ability to work collaboratively.

In authentic assessment, students perform real world tasks, thus the word “authentic” assessment includes performance or product assessment.

·         You and your students may develop a rubric. It can be a collaborative effort for both of you- teacher and students- in line with the practice of self-assessment, which is highly encourage. In fact with scoring rubric, standards are clearly set at the beginning for you and your students.
·         Assessment in a technology-supported environment necessarily includes display of skillful and creative use of technologies, old and recent, because that is what is naturally expected of us in the real world, a technology-dominated world.
·         In the 21 century, we need to be computer literate and fluent or we get lost or become helpless.
·         These presentations need performance-based assessment or product assessment. It is a direct assessment.
·         We do not test their computer and creative skills, their analytical and integrative skills by way of a multiple-choice.
·         A technology-supported classroom maximizes the use of old and new technology, students are expected to demonstrate learning with the use of both old and new technology.
·         Students may use transparencies OHP to demonstrate the learned skill of topic presentation.

This is process or performance assessment. How do we assess of our students have learned the constructivist’s way of thinking, behaving and living? The rubric for understanding and improving meaningful environments.

Lesson 16

Using the Project-based Learning Multimedia as a Teaching-Learning Strategy

Compare you list of steps to the following steps suggested by Michael Simkins, who are experts in project-based multimedia learning:
1.)          Go over the K to 12 content and performance standards and competencies to determine objectives and content that the multimedia project will address effectively.
2.)          Estimate how much time you need to spend compared to how much time is available.
3.)          Make clear and explicit parameters and procedures that must be observed in decision making. Take note that involving students in decision making where they can be involved has educational advantages. 
4.)          Set collaborative working arrangements to enable students to share their knowledge and skills and to build on one another’s strengths.
5.)          Determine what resources you will need and what are available:
·         What library materials are available?
·         What information can your students collect or what resources can they gather by going for field trips in the community?
·         Are there people in the community who can serve as resources in the area your students are studying?
·         Is internet available?
·         Consider newspapers, television and radio as sources of information.
·         Depending on what your students’ project involves.
6.)          Plan on how you will measure what students learn.
Another important thing is to determine the resources available from library materials, community resources both material and human, internet, news media- since this project calls for multimedia. To trim down time devoted to a multi-media project, Simkins et al (2002) suggest the following.
·         Use technology students already know.
·         Use time outside of class wherever possible.
·         Assign skills practice as homework.
·         Let students compose text and select and prepare graphics and sounds as they plan. 
1.)          Create project description and milestone.
2.)          Work with real- worlds connections.
3.)          Prepare resources.
4.)          Prepare software and peripherals such as microphones.
5.)          Organize computer files- finding files eats most of your time if you are not organized.
6.)          Prepare the classroom.
Help the students develop a big picture to understand the work ahead.
1.)          Review project documents. You can ask students to work with the project documents you have produced.
2.)          Perform pre-assessments.
3.)          Perform relevant activities.
4.)          Group students.
·         By topic interest
·         By student talent and expertise
·         By student choice
·         Randomly
5.)          Organize materials
Give a chance for the students to work with whatever software and technology they will be using.
       At this stage, students should immerse themselves in the content or subject matter      they need to understand to create their presentations.

After collecting initial information, hold a brainstorming session where the whole class or a subgroup defines a tentative approach to the subjects.
Here are few design tips to keep in mind throughout storyboarding and production:
·      Use scanned, handmade artwork to make a project look personal and to manage scarce technology resources.
·         Keep navigation.
·         Organize information similarly throughout so users can find what they are looking for.
·         Care for collaboration.
·         Organize manageable steps.
·         Check and assess often.
There are two kinds of testing to think about:
1.    Functional testing

2.    User testing. 

Lesson 15

Project-based Learning and Multimedia

What is Project-based multimedia learning?
 It is a teaching method in which students ²acquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning and producing multimedia product². (Simkins, et al, 2002). The name project-based multimedia learning implies the use of multimedia and the learning activity includes project.
Dimensions of Project-Based Multimedia Learning
Project-based multimedia learning have seven keys dimensions:
1.    Core curriculum- at the foundation of any unit of this type is a clear setoff learning goal drawn from whatever curriculum or set of standards is in use. These projects lend themselves well to multidisciplinary or cross-curricular approaches.
2.    Real-word connection- the project seeks to connect student¢s work in school with the wider world in which students live. The types of activities and the types of products must be in real in life.
3.    Extended time frame- a good project is not a one-shot lesson. It extends over a significant period of time. It is important that students are given enough time to enable them to cope up with a substantial final product from which they can derive pride and a clear sense of accomplishment.
4.    Student decision making- in project-based multimedia learning, students have a say. But it is clear to them that the teacher is in charge and so the students understand that there are decisions which only the teacher can make.
5.    Collaboration- project-based multimedia learning demands collaboration. Collaboration is working together jointly to accomplish a common intellectual purpose in a manner superior to what might have been accomplished working alone.
6.    Assessment- there are three assessment concerns in project-based multimedia learning, namely:
1.    Activities for developing expectations.
2.    Activities for improving the media products.
3.    Activities for compiling and disseminating evidence of learning.

7.    Multimedia- in multimedia projects, students do not learn simply by using multimedia produced by others: they learn by creating in themselves.   

Lesson 14

Maximizing the Use of LCD Projector and the Chalkboard
The Chalkboard

Except in extremely deprived classrooms, every classroom has a chalkboard. In fact, a school may have no computer, radio, TV, etc. but it will always have a chalkboard.
Following Practices of using Chalkboard
1.    Write clearly and legibly on the board.
2.    It helps if you have a hard copy of your chalkboard diagram or outline.
3.    Don’t crowd your notes on the board.
4.    Make use colored chalk to highlight key points.
5.    Do not turn your back to your class while you write on the chalkboard
6.    For the sake of order and clarity, start to write from the left side of   the board going right.
7.    If you teach the Grades and you think the lines on the chalkboard are needed for writing exercises.
8.    Look at your board work from all corners of the room to test if the pupils from all sides of the room can read your board work.
9.    If there is glare on the chalkboard at certain times of the day , a curtain on the window may solve the problem.
10. Make full use of the chalkboard.
ü  Sharpen your chalk to get good line quality.
ü  Use dots “aiming points “. This keeps writing level.
ü  Make all writing or printing between 2 or 4 inches high for legibility.
ü  Stand with your elbow high, move along as you write.
ü  When using colored chalk, use soft chalk so that it can be erased easily.

A projector is a device that uses light and lenses to take an image and project a magnified image onto a larger screen or wall.
The LCD Projector
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a thin , flat panel used for electronically displaying information such as text, images and moving picture. Its uses include monitor for Computers, Televisions , Instrument panels Gaming devices etc. Using polarization of lights to display objects.
Gene Dolgoff – is credited with developing the LCD projector.
To display images, LCD (liquid-crystal display) projectors typically send light from a metal-halide lamp through a prism or series of dichroic filters that separates light to three polysilicon panels.
As polarized light passes through the panels (combination of polarizer, LCD panel and analyzer), individual pixels can be opened to allow light to pass or closed to block the light.
The LED Projector
Instead of a traditional halogen lamp, they use (light-emitting diodes), which are more environmentally friendly and longer lasting. LED projectors use either DLP technology, replacing the color wheel and white-light lamp with red, blue, and green LEDS, or LCoS technology, which is found in handheld projectors.
Light-emitting diode projectors represent a significant advance over traditional projectors. Instead of using a bulb filled with gas at high pressure, they use an array of LEDs to generate the light that shines through, the image element to project an image.
·         Largest possible picture
·         Smaller images a great option also
·         Low cost
·         Space saving
·         Easy to install
·         Dark room often required
·         Maintenance required
·         Installation can be more   involved

·         Separate audio system required